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Ricky and Enea

Love and Entertainment

Riccardo, the talented film producer and creative director, has enriched his life in Los Angeles for over twenty years. During his study and work journey, he made a discovery that changed his life: Enea, an adorable little dog adopted from a local shelter.


The connection between Riccardo and Enea was instantaneous, transforming their story into an engaging symbiotic relationship. Together, they shared extraordinary experiences and created an unbreakable bond. Discover the extraordinary story of Riccardo and Enea, a testimony of love, complicity and adventures that will continue to inspire.

The art of creating,

his Philosophy

of Life

In recent years, Riccardo has felt a deep attraction to his roots, deciding to settle in Rome as his main residence. Here, together with Enea and a consolidated network of friends, he found the ideal place to continue cultivating his personal and professional life

Pet Photography di Vinicio Ferri e Flavia Stefani - Ricky ed Enea

A life around the world

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